M&A Advisory Services

The Wall Street Organization, Inc.'s Senior Vice President of Merger's and Acquisitions, Walter Antonell, has the  experience and knowledge to guide WSO client's through the many pitfalls associated with Mergers and Acquisitions, and consummate an equitable deal for a wide range of specialized services. Our M&A teams consist of highly experienced professionals with the knowledge and hands on experience to provide you with the advice necessary to complete a successful contract.

The WSO also saves you money by providing advisory services to your team through an M&A implementation project.  Achieving all business objectives and retaining the knowledge in house with your team.


Target Company Search


A proper search for identifying appropriate companies starts way back in the Strategic Business Plan where a strategy is developed to increase revenue by acquisition. There is a clear identification of the business objective, and critical success factors for the acquisition, and all programs and projects are aligned with the Strategic Business Plan. Information Technology also has a Master Architecture and Infrastructure in place, or planned for the integration of company A buying company B and turning them into company C.

A SWOT analysis has been completed and you know your strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. You are seeking to identify a company that has strengths where you have weaknesses and weaknesses where you have strengths that will meet your financial and business objectives. Another important factor in the final decision is the business culture of the target company because culture change adds significant risk during M&A implementation.


 Due Dilligence


Due Diligence is an intensive investigation of a company  into the details of a potential investment, merger, or acquisition. To assist participants in this process, THE WALL STREET ORGANIZATION, INC. has assembled a comprehensive illustrative list of potentially relevant documents and information. We assist in compiling this documentation, presenting, and reviewing it.

M&A Program / Project Implementation

The M&A Program / Project Implementation process is a service to direct the integrated project team. The integrated project team is composed of members of both companies, organized by function into a PMI team utilizing enterprise level software such as Microsoft Project to plan, monitor and execute the project plan.

The project plan and scope document is aligned to the goals and objectives of the Strategic Business Plan and the Strategic IT Plan.

The Strategic Business Plan will identify the type of integration required.

  • Full Integration  - The full integration of company A with company B to turn into company C with all business objectives achieved. Full integration requires that the best of the two (functions, systems, cultures) will survive, savings and reductions will apply, duplications will be eliminated, and policies and processes will change.
  • Stand Alone Unit - The acquisitions business objective for stand -alone unit is for the acquired company to operate independently under the corporate umbrella and strategically add revenue to the corporation. The only changes required will be in the roll up of the financials and the chart of accounts to reflect the added revenue streams. 
  • Partial Integration - A partial integration is for the acquired company to integrate some functions with the acquiring company and leave other functions as they currently exist. For example (from publishing): Keep the publishing functions and staff independent under their current name, and only integrate fulfillment which consists of IT, Production, Distribution, Purchasing, Marketing, Order Processing, and Sales Administration. These functions will be centralized and fall under the M&A policies for full integration.