At The Wall Street Organization, Inc. we are very familiar with the challenges and pitfalls that entrepreneurs face when starting a business. Data from the U.S. Small Business Administration shows that regardless of the year when they are founded, the majority of startups go out of business within five years, and two-thirds are no longer operating ten years after being formed. In order to avoid falling into that majority, it is important to understand the reasons that startups fail.


The importance of proper due dilligence and planning to the success of a Startup cannot be overemphasized. The WSO has the experience and expertise to assist you in creating a Strategic Business Plan which evaluates your product, the market for your product, the steps required to get your product to market and the capital required to complete these steps. A comprehensive, well organized, detailed Strategic Business Plan is absolutely essential.


Many entrepreneurs make the mistake of believing they can do it all on their own, from putting together a Business Plan to presenting to investors. This is simply not realistic. Institutional Investors and Broker/Dealers are inundated with funding requests, and it can be difficult to even get your foot in the door to present your Business Plan and once you do, you typically only have one shot. Presentations that aren't up to the high standards of the industry will be dismissed out of hand. That is why the professional assistance of the WSO is so necessary. We know exactly what types of presentations different funding sources are interested in, and can put together a unique financial package for your business that is tailored to meet the requirements of investors. 


Creating a professional, comprehensive, top of the line investor presentation will have an upfront cost, and for many entrepreneurs and startups this can seem like a chicken and the egg scenario. However it is unrealistic to expect to start a business without investing some of the capital oneself; you will be expected to "Pay to Play". Compared to the usual fund raising goals to begin business operations, the cost of creating the financial packaging is a relatively small sum and it will yield returns. Having "skin in the game" is also an important factor for investors, if they know that you have enough confidence in your business to invest in it, they will too. The initial cost for financial packaging varies greatly depending on the size of the transaction, however it can usually be provided from the following sources: personal savings, family and friends, or small business loans.


Starting a business can be a daunting proposal, and it entails risk. However the expertise and experience of the WSO's staff can simplify the process and minimize that risk. If you would like to learn more about how we can help your dreams come to fruition, please Contact Us today!